Play as a team, Win as a team

Mind the gap

Starting in the middle of August, the volleyball team began a season of blending talent, effort, and experience. “We have been working a lot on being a team because of the age gap that forms our team. Volleyball is a team sport so we have to really work together and be able to play well together, as if we were a family. We have to rely on each other and have each other’s backs, otherwise we won’t be successful and be the best team we can be,”  senior Erin Uecker said. 

The team currently  has a record of  7 and 11. They have played many games this year and not always having the outcome they would have wished for. They are currently ranked number 8 out of 8 teams total in the central Minnesota 2A conference. With a streak of four losses back to back. 

“This is my first year playing volleyball for Maple Lake. It’s been pretty fun so far, a lot  different from the other sports I’ve tried,” senior Harmony Heath said. 

The team only has four regular season games before playoffs start at the end of October through November.

 “This season has been a season of growth. We may not have won all the games we wanted, but we’ve grown and become better as a whole,” said senior Jolie Uecker.

The volleyball team is getting ready to team up and play Patrick Henry (Minneapolis) here at home on Tuesday for their last home game of the season.