Dude, Run!

Track–much more than running

The inclusivity of track creates a sport where athletes, who may not enjoy running, still participate through their involvement in field events. Along with participation as a positive in field events, track also gives athletes the opportunity to compete for oneself. Unless athletes are part of a relay team, they compete individually and based on how they do affects the points the team gets. “My favorite event to run is the mile. One of my goals this year is to go to state,” said sophomore Nick Lind. 

There are six different field events. Including high jump, triple jump, long jump, pole vault, shot put and discus. “My favorite event is triple jump because there is much more skill involved than in long jump,” said sophomore Alan Haglin. 

Sometimes the wait between events may be long. “My favorite part of track is messing around in between my events,” said senior Everett Barker.

Even with events to do, the team still finds time to talk and support each other during their leisure time. Track is a great sport to join that has a variety of events and to meet new people as well.