Orange You Happy It’s Valentine’s Day?

Student Council Preparing for a Cherry Valentine’s Day


Crushing their sales, members of student council are bringing love in the air by selling crush cans to Maple Lake High School students.They offer flavors such as orange, cherry, and grape to choose from.To sell the cans, student council members do advertising like asking around at lunch for potential buyers, and send upperclassmen to buy the cans. 

This year, student council is having students pay for their cans right away to avoid buying extra cans.On average during a 5-day selling window, student council sells anywhere from 100-150 cans.“Sales have been going pretty good this year,” student council member, sophomore Kass Fynboh said. 

Sophomore Cammi Rassat, who bought a crush can for a friend, recommended buying a crush can for anyone considering it.

Even though student council makes a decent profit, they enjoy even more giving students a fun opportunity to show their care for someone. “Crush cans are an easy way to give a gift and show appreciation, to a friend or a crush,” Spanish teacher and student council advisor Mrs. Kim Fynboh said. 

Whether you want to show care for a friend with an orange can or give your crush a cherry red surprise, Crush cans are a great way to make Valentine’s Day a happy occasion.